
If this review were concerned with cover art only, “Pyrrhic” would by far be the best thing out this year. What a beautiful, awe-inspiring vista this has! I’m guessing it wasn’t taken from anything in Frosthelm’s native North Dakota…

However, this is a music review, so we must move on. I’m quite familiar with this band and have even spoken to them in the past. They specialize in a form of death-tinged black metal that brings to mind a lot of the Swedish BM bands of the late 90’s. There’s a strong dose of Dissection and Naglfar in their aggressive compositions. Another band that often comes to mind is Goatwhore. The songs are fast and violent, with throat-ripping vocals, but also a lot of freezing melody.

As well played and powerful as these tunes are, there is just something about them that goes in one ear and out the other without leaving much of a mark. There’s no other way I can put it. “Pisslord” is as vicious as the name indicates, “Immortal Nightfall of a Dreamless Lust” is like an icestorm turned into music and the epic two-song conclusion shows a lot of range. Yet all of it is so much like what has been done before that it passes through the brain like a cloud blowing across the sky.




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