CIANIDE "Unhumanized"


“Unhumanized” MLP

CIANIDE is CIANIDE. We could end the review right there and cover everything pretty well, but there might be some CIANIDE “virgins” perusing these words. OK, here’s the dope on these Neanderthals: they are from the Murder City of Chicago and they’ve been bashing out brains with primitive riffs and sludgy guitar tones for about 30 years now. They have not appreciably changed their style in all that time and they haven’t had to, because they are simply heavier than 95% of what’s out there.

They are some of the true heirs of HELLHAMMER/CELTIC FROST brutality, spiced up with a little VENOM/MOTORHEAD flavor and some of the subterranean filth of INCANTATION.  Singer/bassist Mike Perun is heavily influenced by Godzilla and his kaiju brethren and it shows in his bestial bulldozing grunts. CIANIDE have mastered a rather unique form of low tuned guitar destruction that is in full force across these 5 tunes. Just listen to the sick string-bending during the chorus of “Serpent’s Wake” and try to recall when you’ve heard something similar.

There is absolutely nothing here that CIANIDE have not done before. So be it, I wouldn’t want it any other way. From the blasting annihilation of “Traitor” to the slug-belly crawl of “Shadow of the Claw”, this is pure CIANIDE. And as wrestler Baron von Raschke might have said, that is all the people need to know!




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