RANK AND VILE "redistribution of flesh"


"Redistribution of Flesh"

They must spray the weed in Portland, OR with formaledehyde. The city must have more "sick": death metal bands per person than any other place on the planet. Honestly, I hear a new one everyday. Today, it is RANK AND VILE's turn to go under the spotlight.

This should really be considered an EP. There are 8 tracks but the length is somewhere around 20 minutes. So don't pay full album price! There are many good death metal bands coming out of Portland, but the scene is overcrowded and frankly R&V don't do enough to reach escape velocity and leave Planet Average. This is a nice little slice of grinding gore, but nothing exceptional. The guys get their ultra-crunchy guitar sound from the good old days of Stockholm DM and the velocity of their tunes ranges from a torpid crawl to absolute psychotic grindcore. "OMB" is the track that makes the most impact...a slower but not quite doom paced burst of very ugly sounding death metal. Excellent riffs here. Beyond this, it all kind of blurs together.

Does the world really need "Redistribution of Flesh"? Not really, but if you're an insatiable freak for Swedish sounding death grind, it will satisfy.



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