SOFY MAJOR "Total Dump"


“Total Dump”

French noiseniks Sofy Major have been motoring along pretty reliably the last few years. How much you get out of these guys depends on how much you like the scratchy noise rock scene of the 90’s…bands like Butthole Surfers, early Helmet, Jesus Lizard, etc. If you pine for the days of AmRep and Touch and Go , you will likely be over the moon with “Total Dump”. Metalheads may find it less enthralling.

This album definitely has more of a delirious poppy flavor than last album “Waste”,  which was more of a blunt force trauma. The vocals are pretty much clean indie rock with no growls and some of the vocal hooks are right out of the alt-pop cookbook, like on “Cream It” and “The Jerk”. But the bass is super grimy and the guitar squeals, squonks and shrieks. It’s not heavy in the metal sense but distorted guitar plays a huge part in Sofy Major’s tuneage and there’s nothing soft or tasteful sounding here. When a band has song titles like “Shiny Happy Asshole” and “Franky Butthole”, they are not exactly aiming at radio rotation.

Sometimes the music is perversely catchy, like the title track and “Tumorama” At other times, like the last two songs “Panamarama” and “The Longest Yard”, it just comes across as annoying bordering on excruciating. So once again, if 90’s alt-noise is your cup of tea, Sofy Major is a can’t miss. As for me, I might relax with some old Morbid Angel….


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