EVIL ANGEL "Unholy Evil Metal"
“Unholy Evil Metal”
This has got to be the ultimate example of WYSIWYG. That’s “what you see is what you get” for those not in the know. Anyone who picks up an album entitled “Unholy Evil Metal” by a band called Evil Angel and featuring songs like “Nuclear Hammer”, “Ritual Sacrifice” and “Necro Black Mass” and is surprised by the content has to be absolutely brain dead.
EVIL ANGEL is a Finnish band that’s been around since the late 90’s. Herein are all the tributes to BATHORY, HELLHAMMER, POSSESSED that you will need, served up as raw as possible. No drum triggers, I am happy to say, but the drumming here is as basic as it gets and has a kind of “military” feel that makes the songs sparse and severe. Believe it or not, there’s even a tune called “Ugh!” here….a prog-death fusion workout it is not. On tracks like “Nuclear Hammer” and “Legions of Armageddon”, the approach is ultra-primitive, conjuring up HELLHAMMER and PROFANATICA as influences.
It’s not terribly memorable but will scratch the itch for old school devil metal fans who abhor the modern day!
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