TEMPLE KOLUDRA "Seven! Sirens! To a Lost Archetype"


“Seven! Sirens! To A Lost Archetype”

TEMPLE KOLUDRA play a mystical kind of blackened death metal with a lot of atmosphere. Although the look and feel of this strangely named work exemplifies a Hindu mysticism, the band actually hails from Germany!

This is not easy to digest brutal death designed for headbanging or catchy grooves. Rather, TEMPLE KOLUDRA reminds me of two other hard to define “spiritual” extreme metal bands, ROTTING CHRIST and DEATHSPELL OMEGA. Many of the songs here have that archaic “Mediterranean” feel that ROTTING CHRIST’s do...a feel not greatly removed from India or the Middle East. The songs are long and have a lot of peaks and valleys, with mid-paced riffs giving way to furious speed and then just as suddenly detouring to subdued and quieter sections using unusual instrumentation. On longer epics like the opening “Trimurti” and closing “White I Trance”, the approach is a bit like DEATHSPELL OMEGA, but not quite as twisted.

This one will take patience and more than one listen to digest. But if you like your extreme metal laced with exotic sounds and thoughtful ideas, this might be just the ticket.




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