CONCRETE FUNERAL "Ultimum Judicium"


“Ultimum Judicium”

Calgary’s CONCRETE FUNERAL have got a cool name and the cover of “Ultimum Judicium” pretty much hits every heavy metal cliché you can think of. These guys are a pretty conventional street level band mixing thrash, death and groove metal with some nasty bite to it. In a way, it is typical bro-metal stuff, but they deliver it with so much fire and fury that you just can’t deny what they are doing.

Think of a mixing pot of SLAYER, EXODUS, LAMB OF GOD and even some CANNIBAL CORPSE nastiness and you’ve pretty much got CONCRETE FUNERAL’s modus operandi. Song titles like “Toxic Fuck”, “Mattress Stains” and “Stabbed To Death” reveal their violent side. The tunes themselves can really hit some killer riffs...”Code Adam” and “Toxic Fuck” are almost irresistably headbangable...and they also can hit some bland patches. Many songs feature a bit of both. The vocals are virulent but frankly sound like a million other tough guy metal bands, so there’s nothing there to help them stand out.

At the end of the day, CONCRETE FUNERAL plays honest, vicious heavy metal with some bite. I can see death metal purists maybe sticking up their nose because they don’t sound “rotten” or “old school” enough, but the broader audience of extreme metal fans is going to dig this, especially live.



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