DOGBANE "Idylls of Woe"


“Idylls of Woe”

Once again I cross paths with North Carolina’s DOGBANE. I guess we are destined to orbit each other until one of us is gone. These grizzled vets are the essence of the DIY traditional metal band churning out the basics on their terms and managing to create some solid tunes. The faults are there and fairly obvious to see, but there’s something about these guys that puts a smile on my face every time.

“Idylls of Woe” has a pleasingly home made sound to it, warm and natural and sounding almost like it was recorded at rehearsal. No digital gloss here, just the bare naked weapons of the trade.  I think this time they have went for a slower, doomier type vibe...”Winter of Man’s Demise” is as close to pure doom as DOGBANE has ever gotten. “Land of Shadows” is also no speed racer and has strong hints of CIRITH UNGOL in its approach. As might be expected, “Riddle of Steel” has a barbaric vibe, not a million miles away from MANILLA ROAD, only without the shredding leads of that band.

Singer Jeff Neal has a high and whiny voice that frankly only hits the mark about 50% of the time, when it has an eerie OZZY type timbre to it. On tracks like “Now You Know”, the awkward vocal lines become kind of cringeable. Yet he fits the M.O. of DOGBANE to a T and seems to be a necessary part of the picture.

There’s also a vague Southern feel of the band...note especially the cool hillbilly music sample that opens “Blood In the Snow”. And they have their pacier moments as well. As with previous DOGBANE albums, ‘Idylls of Woe” is not gonna blow anybody through the roof, but it provides some warm fuzzy homegrown metal feeling that’s impossible to dislike.




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