“The Pentagram”

35 years ago or so, Tom Warrior and Martin Ain created a primitive bulldozing type of ultra-heavy riffing that redefined extreme metal. In the 21st century, bands from all over the world are still inspired to worship the brutality of HELLHAMMER and CELTIC FROST. Ergo, we have APOKALYPTIC RAIDS from Brazil, one of the foremost practitioners of HELLHAMMER based thunder.

They are one of the best, too. My favorite will always be Germany’s sadly defunct WARHAMMER, but RAIDS certainly understand the caveman-like rifferama needed for bands of this ilk. Getting the right kind of down-tuned guitar/bass tone is essential. A basic drum attack is also essential, as are grumbly (but not death metal) vocals. Don’t make things too complicated!

“The Pentagram” is great, stripped down HELLHAMMER worship. All the track have that essence, whether it’s “Necromaniac”, “The Ghost of The Hammer” or “Occult And Real”. The only real deviation is “The Story of Pope Joan”, which has a more melodic, traditional black metal flavor and a touch of keyboards along with the rumbling crunch. Things are topped off with a super-faithful cover of “Massacra”.

If you dig the HELLHAMMER/CELTIC FROST (and DARKTHRONE as well) sound, there’s no need to read any further...seek out “The Pentagram” and grunt “EUUUGHH”!




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