CLITERATI "Ugly Truths, Beautiful Lies"


“Ugly Truth, Beautiful Lies”

The angry women (and one guy) of CLITERATI are back again to beat you senseless with blasts of crusty, politically volatile punk. They’ve been a busy bunch, doing splits and Eps aplenty the last couple of years, but the full length is now set free and it’s everything you’d expect from this outfit.

A brutal mixture of D-Beat, grind and pure raw punk, you get 15 tracks with no relief. There’s a great resemblance to Scandinavian hardcore heroes like ANTICIMEX, WOLFBRIGADE and KRIGSHOT. Simple, groovy riffs with raw heavy guitar sound, slamming drumbeats and female vocals full of piss and vinegar. Warning right off the bat, CLITERATI are very much of the extreme left and not shy about letting you know all about it. “Trans Is Beautiful”, “Redneck, White & Blue” and “Unfuck The System” tell you what you need to know.

The tunes are very much of a kind and nothing revolutionary (at least as far as song structure goes) but as a crusty kick in the ass, this works really well and the production should help the tunes appeal to death and thrash metal fans as well. These dangerous dames are here to stay, so you better get used to them!




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