“Enraged and Unbound”
Time to get SUPER BRUTAL! UNFATHOMABLE RUINATION is a band that should be right up the blood-soaked alley of fans of stuff like ABORTED and BENIGHTED. Not quite “slam” death metal (at least as I understand the term) and not the ultra-tech stuff such as NECROPHAGIST, this is firmly in the realm of the crushing death metal of the early 2000’s.
Unfortunately, like most of that ilk, memorability is pretty thin on the vine. The vocals are the super typical guttural mush-mouth without any identity other than being extreme. In fact, when ABORTED’s Sven de Caluwe and BENIGHTED’s Julian Truchan show up to growl through a couple of tracks, I couldn’t tell them from U.R.’s normal vocalist, Ben Wright. Or each other.
It’s a weary slog for me to get through a whole album such as this, but UNFATHOMABLE RUINATION do have some moments where the spark of inspiration shows up. “A Prophetic Compulsion” is one such song, with more atmosphere while still retaining brutality. Another point of interest is “Protoplasmic Imprisonment”, where the riffing seems a bit more discrete and memorable, making the song a good one.
There’s not quite as much of this kind of ravaging death metal as there once was, so I’d recommend this to fans of the aforementioned ABORTED and BENIGHTED, as well as other bands on the Willowtip label. All others are liable to find it rough going.
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