BEWITCHER "Under The Witching Cross"


"Under The Witching Cross"

Beware! The demons of old school speed metal are alive and on the prowl in the form of Bewitcher! If memory serves, this is one of the bands under the wing of Night Demon's Jarvis Leatherby so that gives them some instant cred with me right away. Bands trying to do the early black metal style of the 80's are not exactly fact, a bunch known as Bewitched were doing much this same type of sound in the 90's...but here is one that really knows what they are doing. "Under The Witching Cross" oozes the evil rocking spirit of prototypical black speed metal.

The album has a varied range of attack. Early cuts "Savage Lands of Satan" and "Hexenkrieg" bolt forth with vicious speed metal like Venom meets German hell thrash. The title track is like Satan's take on Motorhead and "Heathen Woman" really has a rocking feel. Midnight is another name Bewitcher can be easily compared to, especially on the screaming "Too Fast For The Flames". But "In The Sign of the Goat" slows things down to a fist-pumping tempo ala "Welcome to Hell", "Countess Bathory" and the like. "Rome Is On Fire" continues in that  vein, with a very odd break in the middle that's like a false finish.  Only with the last song "Frost Moon Ritual" do Bewitcher hit an off note. A more melodic and slightly more modern instrumental is not the best way to end an otherwise hell-raising album of old school bile and witchery.

"Under The Witching Cross" does have an authentic "denim and leather" feel to it that keeps it from sinking into a mass of faceless nostalgia acts. You get the feeling these demons really do believe in what they are doing.




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